Prineville GSM

Mike Chaney

Prineville Director/Counselor

Mike's Classes


Welcome to the Prineville Good Samaritan Ministries website.  On this website we will be sharing podcasts of classes that have been held at GSM in Prineville.  You may also use this site to contact us.  Good Samaritan Ministries provides individual counseling, family counseling, marriage counseling, grief counseling and counselor training classes to anyone in need.  We do not charge for our services, but provide our services on a donation basis so that all who have a need may come no matter what their financial situation.

This is a lay Christian counseling ministry.  All of our counselors have completed an intensive three tier Good Samaritan training course.  The counselors that volunteer in Central Oregon and are under the supervision of the Prineville office have a combined total of over 30 years experience counseling.

Is GSM a church or a denomination?

Neither, GSM is a community of ministries birthed and maintained through relationship. The work of GSM comes alongside churches as we “prepare the soil” by bringing healing and wholeness to people and prepare them for a more empowered and activated life in the Kingdom of God.

GSM encourages people to be active in life and community which includes church membership and serving others as Samaritans every day. Life in the Kingdom of God happens every day of the week.

GSM is in 28 Countries World wide

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Upcoming Events

Kingdom Concepts in Counseling:  

Tuesday, February 20, 2018 thru June 5, 2018

Time: 6:30                  Location: Prineville GSM

Spring 2018 Intensive Training

Location:  Beaverton GSM       Dates: April 20 - 22, 2018