Miscellaneous Teachings

Post Traumatic Stress:  This is a teaching Mike gave at the Walla Walla GSM Intensive in 2013.  Post Traumatic Stress is often referred to as "delayed grief syndrome".  This teaching is told as a story rather than as a lecture.


Living From Your Heart:  This is a teaching Mike gave at the Beaverton GSM Intensive in 2012.  Living from your heart and "owning" your feelings are critical to living a life of peace and joy and letting your 'yes' be 'yes' and your 'no' be 'no'.

Our Need To Feel Safe:   This is a teaching Mike gave on 4-19-15 at the Upper Room Fellowship in Redmond and then again on 4-21-15 in the Level 1 Class.  He discusses four things which we do that we need to quit doing in order to trust God more. Text